
Mo’ Money Podcast, November 3, 2015

“If you are really interested in going the DIY investing route, I highly suggest reading John’s book. I did and I seriously learned a lot about what is involved and what the best ways to get started are.”

Money We Have, January 29, 2015.

ELI5 How do I start investing? For those of you who don’t frequent Reddit, ELI5 stands for explain like I’m 5 and this is where Robertson’s book excels. No other book has a step-by-step guide when it comes to making your first investment so you really have no excuse for not getting started.”

Young & Thrifty, December 22, 2014.

“If passive index investing is the “what” that most Canadians badly need to know, John is one of the only authors out there right now that explains to Canadians exactly how to implement these passive strategies and where the three best options can be found specifically in Canada. This is the best and most unique part of the book. I completely agree with John’s choices for where to steer Canadian investors.”

Boomer & Echo, December 20, 2014.

“The author describes the investing process in a way that’s rarely explained – taking a step-by-step approach to show investors exactly what they need to do in order to start building and maintaining a portfolio of low-cost index funds. It looks at the entire process […] This book is for investors who are looking to take the plunge into DIY investing and want a guide to help walk them through the process from start to finish. It would also make a great gift and useful resource for your adult children as they start their investing journey.”

Gail Vaz-Oxlade’s Other Voices: Dayle, December 18, 2014.

“In short, I would recommend this book to anyone getting started on their long-term savings journey, especially young people. That being said, it is never too late, and it would certainly be helpful for someone starting to save for retirement later in the game, someone who is looking to invest some windfall money, or someone who wants to move their investments into low-fee options to give themselves the best chance for a sufficient positive return.”

My Own Advisor, December 2, 2014.

“I’m of the opinion most professions tend to make the simple overly complex. The financial industry is no exception to this. The Value of Simple outlines the reasons for saving (most of them you already know) but then provides some solid “how-to” steps to make it happen – a feat few personal finance and investing books take on. Your financial plan should be easy to implement, have few moving parts, be adaptable and remain in control. If you have any doubt your financial plan is even one of these things then The Value of Simple by John Robertson will most certainly help you.”

Financial Diffraction, November 28, 2014.

“John’s book is a great primer to get Canadians up and running on their own. It was well-written, the right length – there wasn’t a point where I was thinking “God, how can he still be talking about X” – and just a solid introduction to basic investing. I will definitely be keeping this on hand and reference back to it.”

Michael James on Money, November 25, 2014.

“Most investing books back away from the details Robertson takes on. This is mainly because these details are untidy and make the whole topic of investing more complex. But this is a big part of Robertson’s point. You need to start with a simple strategy, because by the time you encounter the nitty-gritty of opening accounts and splitting your money across TFSAs, RRSPs, and other accounts, you’ll be glad you started off with a base strategy that is as simple as possible. […] I highly recommend this book to anyone who feels confused about how to invest. I also recommend it to anyone who thinks stock-picking and market timing are good ideas.”

Financial Uproar, November 21, 2014.

“Like The Wealthy Barber, The Value of Simple is a great book to give to your brother, kid, friend, co-worker, or mistress who knows nothing about investing. It lays out the basics without going into the painstaking detail that makes people throw up their hands and not want to bother.”


How to fall in love with your investments all over again, from the Globe and Mail.

How (and Why) to Choose Between NestWealth, Wealthsimple, WealthBar, ShareOwner, and Steadyhand from Spring Personal Finance (mirrored at FindependenceHub)

In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.,

“Speaking of awesome things, I highly recommend The value of simple.

It’s an easy-to-understand book about investing and if you’re a Canadian starting out and a DIY investing n00b & beginner, I’d say it’s well worth the $7.97 for the ebook.”

Reddit, user elbyron

“There are lots of good books on personal finance, as well as some focused on index investing strategies. But there is only one that really gives you the base knowledge AND solid direction, in terms of what you actually need to do to implement a couch potato strategy. It discusses e-Series funds as well as ETFs and should basically give you everything you need to know.”

Customer reviews:

Corey, Vancouver, BC

“I bought your book on the recommendation of another Redditor. I read it right after The Wealthy Barber Returns, and I have to say it’s excellent. It’s exactly what I wanted and needed. I really like that you spent just as much time talking about passive investment logic as you did giving instructions on HOW to setup the investments and the benefits of each. I will recommend this book to others for sure.”

Kris, Ottawa, ON

“I want to thank you for writing this book, it is exactly what I needed. I have read many books and blogs on finance and investing. Many were too simplistic for me. I already understand how to save money, live within your means, pay off debts first, how an RRSP, TFSA, and RESP work. Many investment books were too complex, and lost me. I have made many investment mistakes (bought random individual stocks, like Nortel) worked with mutual fund advisors I never heard back from once they got my money, and some mutual fund advisors who did seem to have my interests at heart providing me with financial plans and tweaking my portfolio regularly, but never disclosing the high MERs or even ensuring my investments were balanced across accounts. I have been following a couch potato or passive approach to investing using TD e-series for the last 2 years with additional savings, while waiting for my current mutual funds DSC to time out so I could say goodbye to my advisor. I wanted to learn more about how to use ETFs, tax efficiency in my investments, how to calculate ACB in my non-registered funds, how to wind down my accounts in retirement years, all of which your book provided. My son is in his twenties and is also a passive investor using TD e-series. He will benefit from this shared knowledge and not make the same mistakes I have. I would recommend this book to anyone starting out in passive investing.”

Scott, Ottawa, ON

“A good book is the kind that saves you from having to read ten others. This is that kind of book.”

Shubh, Toronto, ON

“Brilliantly simple and simply brilliant!”

Chris, Toronto, ON, via Twitter:

“Absolutely loved the book. Your breakdowns of compound interest and bond trading were truly inspired. #bunniesmakeitbetter”

Heath, BC

“Your book has become my bible for investing. Honestly – nothing comes close for beginners like me! (The notes I’ve accrued in my margins prove that fact). […] I think you’re doing a great service for Canadians and novice investors.”